Minutes of our Committee Meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10th April 2024
1. Apologies: David Webster (DW).
Present: Robert McKay (RMcK), Joyce Craig (JC), Gail Herrigan (GH), Elizabeth Brown (EB), Linda Whiteside (LW), Ben Shepherd (BS) & Michael Herrigan (MH).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by RMcK and seconded by JC.
3. Matters Arising:
GH will discuss with AUGB and contact GCC.
Action: GH to progress with GCC.
Action: EB to contact the Eco Trust re a litter pick for Spring Clean Scotland. EB has attended a meeting together with Eco Trust. A litter prevention strategy has been proposed.
Neil Lovelock, of the Eco Trust, is seeking engagement FoVP.
The Committee agreed to engage with the Eco Trust, Whiteinch Community Council & Scotstoun Community Council with regard to the litter prevention strategy.
The FoVP & VPCT MoU has been agreed.
The proposed café project is ongoing.
We are advised that the toilet block, including the disabled unit is to be re-furbished and not replaced.
The previously agreed mural project is to proceed with SWG3 carrying out the works. However, SWG3 have not advised of a start date.
Lana Turner (Green Cllr) is involved with the project.
Sunny Cycles, a cycling accessibility access charity, are to install a container in Victoria Park.
A Schools Park event is planned.
The Trust has been advised that that a target of 30 additional memorial benches has been set for the current year. The Trust has requested consultation on the siting of said benches.
The removal of bins has been noted.
Action: RMcK to pursue this issue.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
The previous Saturday’s litter pick was well attended, with approximately 10 participants.
6. Events:
Doors Open Days is proceeding.
Action: MH to progress
RMcK advised of VPCT’s Spring into Summer Event on 8th June 2024. The Committee agreed to participate.
Action: GH to liaise with RMcK re above event.
7. Communications: RMcK advised that he had updated the FoVP joining link position.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
The bee beds have been planted as previously agreed.
9. Finance & Membership:
JC circulated a statement of our current financial position.
NB: the Ukrainian bench costs will appear on the 2024-2025 accounts.
10. AOCB:
LW advised that she has the required information for tree species identification within our park. The Committee agreed that this was a valuable project to be progressed.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
TBC: post AGM.
1. Apologies: David Webster (DW).
Present: Robert McKay (RMcK), Joyce Craig (JC), Gail Herrigan (GH), Elizabeth Brown (EB), Linda Whiteside (LW), Ben Shepherd (BS) & Michael Herrigan (MH).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by RMcK and seconded by JC.
3. Matters Arising:
- DW to contact Kevin re the maintenance fee, of £50 p.a.: closed.
- Action: RMcK to contact Kevin, re the maintenance fee, of £50 p.a.
- RMcK to raise the neglect of the playpark at the next quarterly meeting with GCC. Due to concerns, see below, regarding the functioning of the Participation Agreement, the action below was agreed. Action: RMcK to contact the councillors of ward 12, regarding our concerns with the playpark and the Participation Agreement. RMcK has written to Kevin McCormack in order to address this issue: ongoing.
- Action: RMcK to contact (Richard East, VPCT Trustee) regarding the proposed planting: RMcK has spoken to RE. There is a difficulty in sourcing the plants: Closed.
- Action BS to progress Bat Walk: Clyde Bat Group have advised that 03/04/2024 & 10-11/04/2024 are available: action BS to progress. Closed, see below.
- Re annual Easter Egg rolling Event: Action: GH & JC to progress our annual Easter Egg rolling Event with involvement of local school. The publicity and plan for the day to be finalised: closed.
- Park Twinning with Ukrainian Park: EB has found a park that we can engage with. GH advised that she was in discussion with GCC re park twinning and currently awaited a response.
GH will discuss with AUGB and contact GCC.
Action: GH to progress with GCC.
- Action: RMcK to liaise with DW re updating our website: RMcK has spoken to DW: closed.
- Action: RMcK is to consider the wording of FoVP’s MoU with VPCT, which is due for renewal. RMcK requested that MH sends him the wording of FGT’s MoU with VPCT.
Action: EB to contact the Eco Trust re a litter pick for Spring Clean Scotland. EB has attended a meeting together with Eco Trust. A litter prevention strategy has been proposed.
Neil Lovelock, of the Eco Trust, is seeking engagement FoVP.
The Committee agreed to engage with the Eco Trust, Whiteinch Community Council & Scotstoun Community Council with regard to the litter prevention strategy.
- Actions: BS to ask Derek from Clyde Bat Group to speak at the AGM. Ongoing, see below.
- RMcK to ask if Hesselhead Wildlife Rescue can provide a speaker for AGM. Closed.
- Action: RMcK advised he would raise the condition of the Curling Club Pavilion with GCC via VPCT and express our concerns to VPCT re their signage. Carried.
- Action: GH to email the park depot regarding the position of the bench and liaise with AUGB regarding an event marking its installation. Closed, see below.
- Action: RMcK and MH to arrange cheque signing. RMcK & JC advised that JC was now a signatory and the necessary cheque signing had been completed. Closed.
The FoVP & VPCT MoU has been agreed.
The proposed café project is ongoing.
We are advised that the toilet block, including the disabled unit is to be re-furbished and not replaced.
The previously agreed mural project is to proceed with SWG3 carrying out the works. However, SWG3 have not advised of a start date.
Lana Turner (Green Cllr) is involved with the project.
Sunny Cycles, a cycling accessibility access charity, are to install a container in Victoria Park.
A Schools Park event is planned.
The Trust has been advised that that a target of 30 additional memorial benches has been set for the current year. The Trust has requested consultation on the siting of said benches.
The removal of bins has been noted.
Action: RMcK to pursue this issue.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
The previous Saturday’s litter pick was well attended, with approximately 10 participants.
6. Events:
Doors Open Days is proceeding.
Action: MH to progress
RMcK advised of VPCT’s Spring into Summer Event on 8th June 2024. The Committee agreed to participate.
Action: GH to liaise with RMcK re above event.
7. Communications: RMcK advised that he had updated the FoVP joining link position.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
The bee beds have been planted as previously agreed.
9. Finance & Membership:
JC circulated a statement of our current financial position.
NB: the Ukrainian bench costs will appear on the 2024-2025 accounts.
10. AOCB:
LW advised that she has the required information for tree species identification within our park. The Committee agreed that this was a valuable project to be progressed.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
TBC: post AGM.
Minutes of our Committee Meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 13th March 2024
1. Apologies: Elizabeth Brown (EB), Linda Whiteside (LW) & David Webster (DW)
Present: Robert McKay (RMcK), Joyce Craig (JC), Gail Herrigan (GH) & Michael Herrigan (MH) & Ben Shepherd (BS).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by RMcK and seconded by GH.
3. Matters Arising:
Advice has been sought from Seamus Connelly regarding the tender process for the proposed new café, tom enable the Trust to assess whether proper procedure has been followed.
The proposed mural on the toilet block is to go ahead.
The attendees at the last Participation Agreement meeting were: Katie Kelly, Neighbourhood liaison co-ordinator at GCC; Judith Hunter, Senior development officer at GCC; Joyce MacDonald, Events officer at GCC; Kevin McCormack, Assistant manager (Parks and Greenspaces Vision) at GCC; GCC Cllr Lana Turner; Steve Nelson, Chair of VPCT & RMcK.
RMcK noted greater engagement on the part of GCC with VPCT than had previously been the case.
RMcK advised that VPCT have obtained 28 standard sized trees. Richard East and Steve Nelson have advised the Trust regarding suitable planting sites. The trees have now been installed.
RMcK has contacted Paths for All and is exploring funding options.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
RMcK advised that Spring Clean Scotland is taking place between 15th March and 28th April. He is planning an event on Saturday 16th April.
Action: EB to contact the Eco Trust re a litter pick for Spring Clean Scotland.
Jordanhill School has expressed interest in involvement with FoVP.
JC advised that she will not be continuing pursuing volunteer involvement with students of the University of Glasgow as her efforts so far have not been productive.
6. Events:
Steve Nelson has agreed to speak at our AGM.
DW cannot attend our AGM.
Actions: BS to ask Derek from Clyde Bat Group to speak. RMcK to ask if Hesselhead Wildlife Rescue can provide a speaker.
BS advised that 01/05/2024 is the best date for a bat walk.
7. Communications: carried.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
Concerns were raised regarding the declining condition of the Curling Club Pavilion.
Concerns were also raised re the VPCT signs dominating the notice board near the main gate.
Action: RMcK advised he would raise the condition of the Curling Club Pavilion with GCC via VPCT and express our concerns to VPCT re their signage.
The bench with the Ukrainian national colours and commemorative plaque is to arrive this week. The Committee agreed that it should be near the main gate and facing the pond and that we should have an event marking its installation.
Action: GH to email the park depot regarding the position of the bench and liaise with AUGB regarding an event marking its installation.
9. Finance & Membership:
JC advised that we have a current balance of approximately £5,600 in our account
£75 has been allocated for planting to the beds where mining bees have established themselves.
£1,900 has been allocated for bench with the Ukrainian national colours and commemorative plaque.
Action: RMcK and MH to arrange cheque signing.
10. AOCB:
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is 7:30 pm, 10/04/2024 at the Three Craws, 501 Crow Rd, Jordanhill, Glasgow G11 7DN
1. Apologies: Elizabeth Brown (EB), Linda Whiteside (LW) & David Webster (DW)
Present: Robert McKay (RMcK), Joyce Craig (JC), Gail Herrigan (GH) & Michael Herrigan (MH) & Ben Shepherd (BS).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by RMcK and seconded by GH.
3. Matters Arising:
- DW to contact Kevin re the maintenance fee, of £50 p.a.: is ongoing.
- RMcK to raise the neglect of the playpark at the next quarterly meeting with GCC. Due to concerns, see below, regarding the functioning of the Participation Agreement, the action below was agreed. Action: RMcK to contact the councillors of ward 12, regarding our concerns with the playpark and the Participation Agreement: carried.
- BS & MH to attend one of Cindi’s healthy walks is postponed to January. The date of the walk attendance is 27/03/2024: closed.
- Action: RMcK to contact (Richard East, VPCT Trustee) regarding the proposed planting: RMcK has contacted RE but has received no update. RMcK will discuss at the next Victoria Park Community Trust (VPCT) meeting.
- Action BS to progress Bat Walk: Clyde Bat Group have advised that 03/04/2024 & 10-11/04/2024 are available: action BS to progress.
- Re annual Easter Egg rolling Event: Action: GH & JC to progress our annual Easter Egg rolling Event with involvement of local school. The publicity and plan for the day to be finalised: ongoing.
- Park Twinning with Ukrainian Park: ongoing.
- Action: RMcK to liaise with DW re updating our website: ongoing.
- Action: RMcK is to consider the wording of FoVP’s MoU with VPCT, which is due for renewal. RMcK requested that MH sends him the wording of FGT’s MoU with VPCT. Action: MH to send to RMcK
- Action: RMcK & LW to liaise with Thornwood Community Council, re litter pick. LW & RMcK have done so: closed.
- Action: RMcK to book St Thomas Aquinas for 08/05/2024. The venue is booked: closed.
- Action: RMcK to contact Stewart Simpson to discuss a butterfly farm. RMcK has met Stewart Simpson and has requested further details from him before we can consider whether his proposal is viable: closed.
- Action: EB to contact RE regarding the best species for the replacement tree. closed.
- JC to contact GCC re Covid Memorial. EB previously advised that after April would be the best time to discuss with them. closed.
Advice has been sought from Seamus Connelly regarding the tender process for the proposed new café, tom enable the Trust to assess whether proper procedure has been followed.
The proposed mural on the toilet block is to go ahead.
The attendees at the last Participation Agreement meeting were: Katie Kelly, Neighbourhood liaison co-ordinator at GCC; Judith Hunter, Senior development officer at GCC; Joyce MacDonald, Events officer at GCC; Kevin McCormack, Assistant manager (Parks and Greenspaces Vision) at GCC; GCC Cllr Lana Turner; Steve Nelson, Chair of VPCT & RMcK.
RMcK noted greater engagement on the part of GCC with VPCT than had previously been the case.
RMcK advised that VPCT have obtained 28 standard sized trees. Richard East and Steve Nelson have advised the Trust regarding suitable planting sites. The trees have now been installed.
RMcK has contacted Paths for All and is exploring funding options.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
RMcK advised that Spring Clean Scotland is taking place between 15th March and 28th April. He is planning an event on Saturday 16th April.
Action: EB to contact the Eco Trust re a litter pick for Spring Clean Scotland.
Jordanhill School has expressed interest in involvement with FoVP.
JC advised that she will not be continuing pursuing volunteer involvement with students of the University of Glasgow as her efforts so far have not been productive.
6. Events:
Steve Nelson has agreed to speak at our AGM.
DW cannot attend our AGM.
Actions: BS to ask Derek from Clyde Bat Group to speak. RMcK to ask if Hesselhead Wildlife Rescue can provide a speaker.
BS advised that 01/05/2024 is the best date for a bat walk.
7. Communications: carried.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
Concerns were raised regarding the declining condition of the Curling Club Pavilion.
Concerns were also raised re the VPCT signs dominating the notice board near the main gate.
Action: RMcK advised he would raise the condition of the Curling Club Pavilion with GCC via VPCT and express our concerns to VPCT re their signage.
The bench with the Ukrainian national colours and commemorative plaque is to arrive this week. The Committee agreed that it should be near the main gate and facing the pond and that we should have an event marking its installation.
Action: GH to email the park depot regarding the position of the bench and liaise with AUGB regarding an event marking its installation.
9. Finance & Membership:
JC advised that we have a current balance of approximately £5,600 in our account
£75 has been allocated for planting to the beds where mining bees have established themselves.
£1,900 has been allocated for bench with the Ukrainian national colours and commemorative plaque.
Action: RMcK and MH to arrange cheque signing.
10. AOCB:
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is 7:30 pm, 10/04/2024 at the Three Craws, 501 Crow Rd, Jordanhill, Glasgow G11 7DN
Minutes of our Committee Meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th February 2024
1. Apologies: David Webster (DW) & Ben Shepherd (BS).
Present: Robert McKay (RMcK), Joyce Craig (JC), Elizabeth Brown (EB), Linda Whiteside (LW), Gail Herrigan (GH) & Michael Herrigan (MH).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: N.B. the committee noted that many actions were carried from our November meeting, due to the December meeting being non-quorate: proposed by JC and seconded by LW.
3. Matters Arising:
4. Victoria Park Community Trust update (including PR request and Vision/Park plan update):
Steve Nelson has advised of a proposed planting on 24-25/02/2024 with the scouts.
On the 10/02/2024 500 tree saplings are arriving of native hedge species such as blackthorn, hawthorn and dog rose. This has been possible due to a grant from the Tree Council.
The trees are to be planted along the Victoria Park Drive South end of the park.
Cllr Lana Reid-McConnell and Glasgow Life are working on the Netball/Basketball facility in the park in the context of social space.
A bug hotel project is also being developed in partnership with local schools. This is to be installed in March.
Colin McGeoch is organising a calendar of park events.
Another public consultation event is being considered for May.
The Farmer’s Market is being actively considered.
David Webster (DW) is the new Fossil Grove appointed Trustee, following MH’s resignation.
FoVP is to have sight of VPCT’s minutes.
Action: RMcK is to consider the wording of FoVP’s MoU with VPCT, which is due for renewal.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
Sean Conroy of Thornwood Community Council has proposed a litter pick at the Thornwood roundabout on Dumbarton Road. The Committee agreed to support this initiative, despite the roundabout being out-with the park, due to our commitment to our local community.
Action: RMcK & LW to liaise with Thornwood Community Council.
6. Events:
Easter Egg rolling Event GH to progress.
Agreed that 08/05/2024 at St Thomas Aquinas is the most suitable venue and time for our AGM.
The Committee agreed that DW and Steve Nelson (Chair of VPCT) should be our speakers.
Action: RMcK to book St Thomas Aquinas for 08/05/2024.
7. Communications: carried.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
A butterfly farm has been proposed for our park by Stewart Simpson. The Committee agreed that this would be beneficial to bio-diversity in our park.
Action: RMcK to contact Stewart Simpson to discuss.
9. Finance & Membership:
JC advised that we have a current balance of £5,685 in our account.
It was noted that much of this was allocated funds and that approximately £1,900 was required for our agreed bench in support of Ukraine and featuring a “rainbow” design with Ukraine’s National colours.
10. AOCB: A replacement for the Christian CND Peace Tree was discussed.
Action: EB to contact RE regarding the best species for the replacement tree.
JC advised that she wished to contact GCC regarding a Covid Memorial. EB advised that after April would be the best time to discuss with them.
Action: JC to contact GCC as above.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is 7:30 pm, 13/03/2024 at the Three Craws, 501 Crow Rd, Jordanhill, Glasgow G11 7DN
1. Apologies: David Webster (DW) & Ben Shepherd (BS).
Present: Robert McKay (RMcK), Joyce Craig (JC), Elizabeth Brown (EB), Linda Whiteside (LW), Gail Herrigan (GH) & Michael Herrigan (MH).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: N.B. the committee noted that many actions were carried from our November meeting, due to the December meeting being non-quorate: proposed by JC and seconded by LW.
3. Matters Arising:
- DW to contact Kevin re the maintenance fee, of £50 p.a.: is ongoing.
- RMcK to raise the neglect of the playpark at the next quarterly meeting with GCC. Due to concerns, see below, regarding the functioning of the Participation Agreement, the action below was agreed. Action: RMcK to contact the councillors of ward 12, regarding our concerns with the playpark and the Participation Agreement: carried.
- BS & MH to attend one of Cindi’s healthy walks is postponed to January. carried.
- Actions: GH to pursue bench procurement and park twinning with a Ukrainian park: wording, costs and design for bench have been agreed by the Committee: closed.
- Action: RMcK to contact (Richard East, VPCT Trustee) regarding the proposed planting: RMcK has contacted RE but has received no update. RMcK will discuss at the next Victoria Park Community Trust (VPCT) meeting.
- Action BS to progress Bat Walk: Clyde Bat Group have advised that 03/04/2024 & 10-11/04/2024 are available: action BS to progress.
- The Committee agreed that we should continue with our annual Easter Egg rolling Event and that the involvement of our local schools would be beneficial to the participants and our community. Action: GH to progress our annual Easter Egg rolling Event: ongoing; see agenda item below.
- Park Twinning with Ukrainian Park: carried.
- Action: RMcK to contact WCC re booking for AGM: they close at 20:30 hours, which is not compatible with our AGM format, closed.
- Action: RMcK to put a link on FB requesting people to join FoVP: there is now a link; closed.
- Action: RMcK to liaise with DW re updating our website: ongoing.
- Action: LW and RMcK to liaise re location: camera located, closed.
- Action: RMcK to approach Hugh Waterfield’s family to seek their views and engagement in this project. RMcK has undertaken the above action; closed.
4. Victoria Park Community Trust update (including PR request and Vision/Park plan update):
Steve Nelson has advised of a proposed planting on 24-25/02/2024 with the scouts.
On the 10/02/2024 500 tree saplings are arriving of native hedge species such as blackthorn, hawthorn and dog rose. This has been possible due to a grant from the Tree Council.
The trees are to be planted along the Victoria Park Drive South end of the park.
Cllr Lana Reid-McConnell and Glasgow Life are working on the Netball/Basketball facility in the park in the context of social space.
A bug hotel project is also being developed in partnership with local schools. This is to be installed in March.
Colin McGeoch is organising a calendar of park events.
Another public consultation event is being considered for May.
The Farmer’s Market is being actively considered.
David Webster (DW) is the new Fossil Grove appointed Trustee, following MH’s resignation.
FoVP is to have sight of VPCT’s minutes.
Action: RMcK is to consider the wording of FoVP’s MoU with VPCT, which is due for renewal.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
Sean Conroy of Thornwood Community Council has proposed a litter pick at the Thornwood roundabout on Dumbarton Road. The Committee agreed to support this initiative, despite the roundabout being out-with the park, due to our commitment to our local community.
Action: RMcK & LW to liaise with Thornwood Community Council.
6. Events:
Easter Egg rolling Event GH to progress.
Agreed that 08/05/2024 at St Thomas Aquinas is the most suitable venue and time for our AGM.
The Committee agreed that DW and Steve Nelson (Chair of VPCT) should be our speakers.
Action: RMcK to book St Thomas Aquinas for 08/05/2024.
7. Communications: carried.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
A butterfly farm has been proposed for our park by Stewart Simpson. The Committee agreed that this would be beneficial to bio-diversity in our park.
Action: RMcK to contact Stewart Simpson to discuss.
9. Finance & Membership:
JC advised that we have a current balance of £5,685 in our account.
It was noted that much of this was allocated funds and that approximately £1,900 was required for our agreed bench in support of Ukraine and featuring a “rainbow” design with Ukraine’s National colours.
10. AOCB: A replacement for the Christian CND Peace Tree was discussed.
Action: EB to contact RE regarding the best species for the replacement tree.
JC advised that she wished to contact GCC regarding a Covid Memorial. EB advised that after April would be the best time to discuss with them.
Action: JC to contact GCC as above.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is 7:30 pm, 13/03/2024 at the Three Craws, 501 Crow Rd, Jordanhill, Glasgow G11 7DN
Minutes of our Committee Meeting at for meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 17th January 2024
1. Apologies: David Webster (DW) & Elizabeth Brown (EB).
Present: Robert McKay (RMcK), Joyce Craig (JC), Ben Shepherd (BS), Gail Herrigan (GH), Michael Herrigan (MH) & Linda Whiteside (LW).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by GH and seconded by RMcK.
3. Matters Arising:
JC advised that a funding application had been rejected due to the Trust’s very positive bank balance that these funds were allocated to specific projects appears not to have been taken into account.
The toilet block drainage repairs and frost protection upgrade appear successful.
There is no update re the re-painting of the block, i.e. whether said re-painting should be postponed due to imminent replacement of the block.
The committee noted the detrimental effect of inflation on stalled allocated funds.
JC advised of a bid by the Trust and Whiteinch Housing Association, to secure funding for an event working with young people facilitated by a youth worker. The bid needs to be submitted by 29/01/2024
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
Katie Biggart of Outdoors for You is conducting a litter pick this Saturday. This will begin at Whiteinch Library at 12:00 noon.
She advises that they intend to focus on the nearby pedestrian underpass and the nature walk.
The Trust intends to carry out another ‘I dig Trees’ planting event. This will consist of planting small shrubby species.
These are to be planted along the Balshagray Avenue edge adjacent to the Arboretum and also on the Victoria Park Drive South edge.
Further Fernery planting was discussed.
Action: RMcK to contact RE regarding the proposed planting
6. Events: BS proposed a bat walk in early May. Following discussion of dusk times. The Committee agreed that the 26-27 of March when dusk is approximately 18:15 is the optimum date range.
Action: BS to progress
The Committee agreed that we should continue with our annual Easter Egg rolling Event and that the involvement of our local schools would be beneficial to the participants and our community.
Action: GH to progress.
The Committee agreed to consider Whiteinch Community Centre (WCC) as a possible venue
Action: RMcK to contact WCC.
7. Communications:
The Committee agreed that we should encourage our FaceBook (FB) members to join our Society.
Action: RMcK to put a link on FB requesting FB to join FoVP.
The Committee noted our appreciation that DW has been regularly maintaining our Website.
Action: RMcK to liaise with DW re updating our website
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
RMcK has bought a camera as agreed.
Action: LW and RMcK to liaise re location of above mentioned camera.
The Committee agrees to help facilitate a Hugh Waterfield memorial.
Action: RMcK to approach Hugh Waterfield’s family to seek their views and engagement in this project.
JC advised that the reeds have been cleared from one half of the pond in the Quarry Knowe.
LW & JC advised that they will clear out the other side at the appropriate time i.e. with minimal disturbance to wildlife.
Action: RMcK to speak to RE re the above.
Planting of perennials in the formal beds was discussed.
Action: RMcK to look into wild flower seeds.
9. Finance & Membership:
We currently have 90 members.
JC had advised that our current balance is £5,715 of this £2,850 is available and unallocated.
This is prior to the deduction of the costs of the Remembrance Sunday Wreath and the camera.
GH advised that we should also consider the costs of the Ukrainian Solidarity bench.
Action: GH will send proposed wording for the plaque to the Committee and on agreement order said bench ASAP.
10. AOCB: none.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is 7:30 pm, 15/02/2024
1. Apologies: David Webster (DW) & Elizabeth Brown (EB).
Present: Robert McKay (RMcK), Joyce Craig (JC), Ben Shepherd (BS), Gail Herrigan (GH), Michael Herrigan (MH) & Linda Whiteside (LW).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by GH and seconded by RMcK.
3. Matters Arising:
- DW to contact Kevin re the maintenance fee, of £50 p.a.: is ongoing.
- RMcK to raise the neglect of the playpark at the next quarterly meeting with GCC. Due to concerns, see below, regarding the functioning of the Participation Agreement, the action below was agreed. Action: RMcK to contact the councillors of ward 12, regarding our concerns with the playpark and the Participation Agreement: carried.
- BS & MH to attend one of Cindi’s healthy walks is postponed to January. carried.
- Actions: GH to pursue bench procurement and park twinning with a Ukrainian park; see agenda item below.
- Action: MH to write wording for the Israel-Hamas War, re Remembrance Day event; GH to contact the police re the Remembrance Sunday Event, due to increased risk, resulting from the ongoing Israel-Hamas War; RMcK take our PA to MH, prior to the event; GH & RMcK to put up posters and have a USB with the Last Post and Reveille ready for the event: closed/completed.
JC advised that a funding application had been rejected due to the Trust’s very positive bank balance that these funds were allocated to specific projects appears not to have been taken into account.
The toilet block drainage repairs and frost protection upgrade appear successful.
There is no update re the re-painting of the block, i.e. whether said re-painting should be postponed due to imminent replacement of the block.
The committee noted the detrimental effect of inflation on stalled allocated funds.
JC advised of a bid by the Trust and Whiteinch Housing Association, to secure funding for an event working with young people facilitated by a youth worker. The bid needs to be submitted by 29/01/2024
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
Katie Biggart of Outdoors for You is conducting a litter pick this Saturday. This will begin at Whiteinch Library at 12:00 noon.
She advises that they intend to focus on the nearby pedestrian underpass and the nature walk.
The Trust intends to carry out another ‘I dig Trees’ planting event. This will consist of planting small shrubby species.
These are to be planted along the Balshagray Avenue edge adjacent to the Arboretum and also on the Victoria Park Drive South edge.
Further Fernery planting was discussed.
Action: RMcK to contact RE regarding the proposed planting
6. Events: BS proposed a bat walk in early May. Following discussion of dusk times. The Committee agreed that the 26-27 of March when dusk is approximately 18:15 is the optimum date range.
Action: BS to progress
The Committee agreed that we should continue with our annual Easter Egg rolling Event and that the involvement of our local schools would be beneficial to the participants and our community.
Action: GH to progress.
The Committee agreed to consider Whiteinch Community Centre (WCC) as a possible venue
Action: RMcK to contact WCC.
7. Communications:
The Committee agreed that we should encourage our FaceBook (FB) members to join our Society.
Action: RMcK to put a link on FB requesting FB to join FoVP.
The Committee noted our appreciation that DW has been regularly maintaining our Website.
Action: RMcK to liaise with DW re updating our website
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
RMcK has bought a camera as agreed.
Action: LW and RMcK to liaise re location of above mentioned camera.
The Committee agrees to help facilitate a Hugh Waterfield memorial.
Action: RMcK to approach Hugh Waterfield’s family to seek their views and engagement in this project.
JC advised that the reeds have been cleared from one half of the pond in the Quarry Knowe.
LW & JC advised that they will clear out the other side at the appropriate time i.e. with minimal disturbance to wildlife.
Action: RMcK to speak to RE re the above.
Planting of perennials in the formal beds was discussed.
Action: RMcK to look into wild flower seeds.
9. Finance & Membership:
We currently have 90 members.
JC had advised that our current balance is £5,715 of this £2,850 is available and unallocated.
This is prior to the deduction of the costs of the Remembrance Sunday Wreath and the camera.
GH advised that we should also consider the costs of the Ukrainian Solidarity bench.
Action: GH will send proposed wording for the plaque to the Committee and on agreement order said bench ASAP.
10. AOCB: none.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is 7:30 pm, 15/02/2024
Minutes of our Committee Meeting at for meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 8th November 2023
1. Apologies: David Webster (DW) & Joyce Craig (JC).
Present: Ben Shepherd (BS), Elizabeth Brown (EB), Robert McKay (RMcK), Gail Herrigan (GH), Michael Herrigan (MH) & Linda Whiteside (LW).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by GH and seconded by RMcK.
3. Matters Arising:
Following the successful completion of the bluebell planting, on the embankment below the “Still Game” bench. A further planting is planned for 13/11/2023. Network Rail are supporting this.
Fruit Tree planting by the Warriors is planned for 15/11/2023 & 20/11/2023.
An “I Dig Trees” planting event of a further 420 species including dogrose and other shrubs is planned for the park perimeter along Victoria Park Drive South on 25/11/2023. This is to be confirmed.
There is no update on the replacement of the toilet block.
Glasgow has been nominated as a National Park City.
Action: RMcK to send further details to the Committee.
RMcK advised that VPCT’s consultation with the residents of Victoria Park North had been positive.
MH & GH advised of that they were pleased with the outcome; but that this had largely followed the process that they had both suggested at the previous VPCT board meeting and had been dismissed by other board members.
EB advised that WCC had been advised of concern re the consultation procedure having privileged some of our local community over others in the discussions regarding the future of Victoria Park.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
The next volunteer day is scheduled for 11/11/2023. LW advised that she could attend. BS advised that he could attend from 10:00 hours.
Action: RMcK to organise an announce.
DW has advised that he may be able to do volunteer work on 18/11/2023. This is to be confirmed.
6. Events:
Action: MH to write wording for the Israel-Hamas War.
Actions: GH to contact the police re the Remembrance Sunday Event, due to increased risk, resulting from the ongoing Israel-Hamas War; RMcK take our PA to MH, prior to the event; GH & RMcK to put up posters and have a USB with the Last Post and Reveille ready for the event.
MH noted concerns regarding the entirely pacifist stance of the Peace Pledge Union, who make biodegradable wreaths, and its history, which includes a perceived appeasement position regarding Nazi Germany.
EB advised that the symbolism of the White Poppy movement had changed in recent decades.
The use of a biodegradable wreath from the Peace Pledge Union would be discussed further.
Our Christmas Tree Decorating Event is to be held on 10/12/2023 at 2:00 pm.
7. Communications:
DW has posted information regarding JC’s project with Whiteinch Primary School on our web site.
RMcK advised that sharing FB posts is an effective generator of publicity.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
Carried/No update.
9. Finance & Membership:
We currently have 92 members.
JC had advised that as per her email of 01/11/2023 and last month’s minutes, our current balance is £6,538; see previous minutes re allocated funds.
RMcK advised of further expenditure of £12.50 for gardening gloves. The Committee approved the expenditure.
10. AOCB:
EB advised that Whiteinch Community Council (WCC) are organising a Community Networking Event on 29/11/2023, from 4.30pm until 7.30 pm at the ROAB club on Dumbarton Road.
Action: RMcK to send email re above event.
RMcK has been contacted by Hugh Waterfield, our former convenor, regarding the provision of a drinking fountain in our park and has written to GCC regarding this issue.
RMcK advised he was pursuing engagement with Friends of Naseby Park, following an email from him.
We are seeking confirmation of an agreed wording for our bench in honour of Ukraine and its resistance to the Russian invasion.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is 7:30 pm, 13/10/2023, 3 Craws, 501 Crow Road, G11 7DN.
Action: GHG to book.
1. Apologies: David Webster (DW) & Joyce Craig (JC).
Present: Ben Shepherd (BS), Elizabeth Brown (EB), Robert McKay (RMcK), Gail Herrigan (GH), Michael Herrigan (MH) & Linda Whiteside (LW).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by GH and seconded by RMcK.
3. Matters Arising:
- DW to contact Kevin re the maintenance fee, of £50 p.a. is ongoing. Action RMcK to contact DW.
- RMcK to raise the neglect of the playpark at the next quarterly meeting with GCC. Due to concerns, see below, regarding the functioning of the Participation Agreement, the action below was agreed. Action: RMcK to contact the councillors of ward 12, regarding our concerns with the playpark and the Participation Agreement.
- BS & MH to attend one of Cindi’s healthy walks is postponed to January. Ongoing.
- All to source a trumpet and or bagpipe player for Remembrance Sunday. None was sourced, closed.
- RMcK advised that he could put a post on our FaceBook for Remembrance Sunday. Completed, closed.
- MH to send wording to RMcK for post. Completed, closed.
- Action: MH to contact Yev Gorash to confirm his participation in our Remembrance Sunday Event. Yevgen has confirmed. Completed/closed.
- Actions: GH to pursue bench procurement and park twinning with a Ukrainian park. Ongoing
- Action: RMcK agreed to put agreed minutes on the web site. Completed/closed
Following the successful completion of the bluebell planting, on the embankment below the “Still Game” bench. A further planting is planned for 13/11/2023. Network Rail are supporting this.
Fruit Tree planting by the Warriors is planned for 15/11/2023 & 20/11/2023.
An “I Dig Trees” planting event of a further 420 species including dogrose and other shrubs is planned for the park perimeter along Victoria Park Drive South on 25/11/2023. This is to be confirmed.
There is no update on the replacement of the toilet block.
Glasgow has been nominated as a National Park City.
Action: RMcK to send further details to the Committee.
RMcK advised that VPCT’s consultation with the residents of Victoria Park North had been positive.
MH & GH advised of that they were pleased with the outcome; but that this had largely followed the process that they had both suggested at the previous VPCT board meeting and had been dismissed by other board members.
EB advised that WCC had been advised of concern re the consultation procedure having privileged some of our local community over others in the discussions regarding the future of Victoria Park.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
The next volunteer day is scheduled for 11/11/2023. LW advised that she could attend. BS advised that he could attend from 10:00 hours.
Action: RMcK to organise an announce.
DW has advised that he may be able to do volunteer work on 18/11/2023. This is to be confirmed.
6. Events:
Action: MH to write wording for the Israel-Hamas War.
Actions: GH to contact the police re the Remembrance Sunday Event, due to increased risk, resulting from the ongoing Israel-Hamas War; RMcK take our PA to MH, prior to the event; GH & RMcK to put up posters and have a USB with the Last Post and Reveille ready for the event.
MH noted concerns regarding the entirely pacifist stance of the Peace Pledge Union, who make biodegradable wreaths, and its history, which includes a perceived appeasement position regarding Nazi Germany.
EB advised that the symbolism of the White Poppy movement had changed in recent decades.
The use of a biodegradable wreath from the Peace Pledge Union would be discussed further.
Our Christmas Tree Decorating Event is to be held on 10/12/2023 at 2:00 pm.
7. Communications:
DW has posted information regarding JC’s project with Whiteinch Primary School on our web site.
RMcK advised that sharing FB posts is an effective generator of publicity.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
Carried/No update.
9. Finance & Membership:
We currently have 92 members.
JC had advised that as per her email of 01/11/2023 and last month’s minutes, our current balance is £6,538; see previous minutes re allocated funds.
RMcK advised of further expenditure of £12.50 for gardening gloves. The Committee approved the expenditure.
10. AOCB:
EB advised that Whiteinch Community Council (WCC) are organising a Community Networking Event on 29/11/2023, from 4.30pm until 7.30 pm at the ROAB club on Dumbarton Road.
Action: RMcK to send email re above event.
RMcK has been contacted by Hugh Waterfield, our former convenor, regarding the provision of a drinking fountain in our park and has written to GCC regarding this issue.
RMcK advised he was pursuing engagement with Friends of Naseby Park, following an email from him.
We are seeking confirmation of an agreed wording for our bench in honour of Ukraine and its resistance to the Russian invasion.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is 7:30 pm, 13/10/2023, 3 Craws, 501 Crow Road, G11 7DN.
Action: GHG to book.
Minutes of our Committee Meeting at 7.30pm on October 11th 2023
1. Apologies: David Webster (DW) & Elizabeth Brown (EB)
Present: Ben Shepherd (BS), Joyce Craig (JC), Robert McKay (RMcK), Gail Herrigan (GH), Michael Herrigan (MH) & Linda Whiteside (LW).
BS advised that due to his pressing commitments, both professional and voluntary, he felt unable to continue to be our quarterly, rotating convenor. We noted that Ben had, post our last AGM, volunteered to convene for the first quarter and had extended that term to the benefit of our society.
RMcK volunteered to be our chair for this meeting and the succeeding quarter. The Committee unanimously agreed.
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by GH and seconded by RMcK.
3. Matters Arising:
No update with regard to the Farmers Market.
The tree survey idea is still under development.
The bluebell planting has been completed and the Trust has received very positive feedback from the local schools involved in the project.
An “I Dig Trees” planting event is to take place on 25/11/2023 with the probable assistance of TCV.
The detail of the post graduate feasibility study on a café in Victoria Park was noted and appreciated.
VPCT are consulting with the residents of Victoria Park Drive North, due to the concerns expressed by a couple of residents with regard to the bio-diversity garden. We note that a couple of other residents have expressed support for the project.
VPCT’s AGM is on the 18/10/2023.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
The next volunteer day is scheduled for 21/10/2023.
6. Events:
The remembrance day wreath has been ordered. It was noted that Poppy Scotland is still unable to supply biodegradable wreaths. Though, we note that biodegradable buttonhole poppies are now available.
JC advised that the White Poppy Movement, who Remember all victims of war, including both civilians and members of the armed forces. May have them available. An online search confirmed that they did.
The Committee agreed that we would consider sourcing our wreath from the White Poppy Movement.
Yev Gorash has verbally agreed to speak at our Remembrance Sunday Event.
Action: MH to contact Yev Gorash to confirm his participation in our Remembrance Sunday Event.
Actions: GH to pursue bench procurement and park twinning with a Ukrainian park.
7. Communications:
Action: RMcK agreed to put agreed minutes on the web site.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
The Committee considered the costs presented by GH with regard to a bench by the main gates. We discussed one dedicated to the Ukrainian struggle against the Russian invasion or Partick Burgh colours. The Committee agreed to proceed with one in the National Colours of Ukraine, blue and yellow.
David Ogilvie Engineering Ltd of Kilmarnock can supply a plain steel bench for £900. One in the Ukrainian national colours at £1,300. The committee agreed to procure a bench in the Ukrainian national colours, to be positioned at the main gates.
We still actively support twinning with a Ukrainian park. We await further GCC advice.
A new pair of swans has arrived at the main pond.
Bird box cleaning by RMcK and LW is to take place on 12/10/2023.
The committee agreed to purchase a camera for a wildlife camera trap for approximately £50.
Action: RMcK to purchase a camera at the above noted costs.
9. Finance & Membership:
Our current membership is still 95.
Our current balance is £7,138. There is £570, in outstanding bills, to be deducted from the total leaving £6,568 in available funds.
Currently £2,700 of this is allocated to the fernery project; £1,000 to a tree survey; £500 of this is the McCrea donation. The committee previously agreed that an amount of £1,000 should be retained to enable the society to remain solvent and meet our ongoing commitments.
MH advised that with the cost of the Ukraine bench at £1,300 included in funds allocated the society would have only £68 pounds remaining, when the above is taken into account and that of the fernery comprised of Area Partnership grants and the Fossil Grove Trust grant, which could not be re-purposed.
JC advised that Area Partnership money could be re-purposed as long as they were spent on projects beneficial to the park.
The Committee agreed that as there were no immediate plans to plant ferns. The Area Partnership Fernery money could be used to purchase the Ukraine bench.
10. AOCB:
BS complimented Derek of Clyde Bat Groups for his very informative and interesting bat walk.
Action: BS to contact Derek and request that he conducts another walk for us next year.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is tbc but will be at 7:30 pm, 3/1, 895 Dumbarton Road, G11 6NA.
1. Apologies: David Webster (DW) & Elizabeth Brown (EB)
Present: Ben Shepherd (BS), Joyce Craig (JC), Robert McKay (RMcK), Gail Herrigan (GH), Michael Herrigan (MH) & Linda Whiteside (LW).
BS advised that due to his pressing commitments, both professional and voluntary, he felt unable to continue to be our quarterly, rotating convenor. We noted that Ben had, post our last AGM, volunteered to convene for the first quarter and had extended that term to the benefit of our society.
RMcK volunteered to be our chair for this meeting and the succeeding quarter. The Committee unanimously agreed.
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by GH and seconded by RMcK.
3. Matters Arising:
- DW to contact Kevin re the maintenance fee, of £50 p.a. is ongoing. Action RMcK to contact DW.
- RMcK to raise the neglect of the playpark at the next quarterly meeting with GCC. Due to concerns, see below, regarding the functioning of the Participation Agreement, the action below was agreed. Action: RMcK to contact the councillors of ward 12, regarding our concerns with the playpark and the Participation Agreement.
- BS & MH to attend one of Cindi’s healthy walks is ongoing.
- RMcK to contact a GalGael Trust regarding the above. He has contacted them but received no response to date. RMcK to chase. RMcK has chased, no response, action closed.
- All to source a trumpet and or bagpipe player for Remembrance Sunday, ongoing.
- RMcK advised that he could put a post on our FaceBook for Remembrance Sunday, ongoing.
- MH to send wording to RMcK for post, ongoing.
- GH to order the wreath, completed.
- Action: MH to contact Yevgen Gorash and Colin McGeoch re the memorial bench. Completed.
- Action: RMcK to obtain a quote for a camera trap. Quote obtained for circa £50, completed.
No update with regard to the Farmers Market.
The tree survey idea is still under development.
The bluebell planting has been completed and the Trust has received very positive feedback from the local schools involved in the project.
An “I Dig Trees” planting event is to take place on 25/11/2023 with the probable assistance of TCV.
The detail of the post graduate feasibility study on a café in Victoria Park was noted and appreciated.
VPCT are consulting with the residents of Victoria Park Drive North, due to the concerns expressed by a couple of residents with regard to the bio-diversity garden. We note that a couple of other residents have expressed support for the project.
VPCT’s AGM is on the 18/10/2023.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
The next volunteer day is scheduled for 21/10/2023.
6. Events:
The remembrance day wreath has been ordered. It was noted that Poppy Scotland is still unable to supply biodegradable wreaths. Though, we note that biodegradable buttonhole poppies are now available.
JC advised that the White Poppy Movement, who Remember all victims of war, including both civilians and members of the armed forces. May have them available. An online search confirmed that they did.
The Committee agreed that we would consider sourcing our wreath from the White Poppy Movement.
Yev Gorash has verbally agreed to speak at our Remembrance Sunday Event.
Action: MH to contact Yev Gorash to confirm his participation in our Remembrance Sunday Event.
Actions: GH to pursue bench procurement and park twinning with a Ukrainian park.
7. Communications:
Action: RMcK agreed to put agreed minutes on the web site.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
The Committee considered the costs presented by GH with regard to a bench by the main gates. We discussed one dedicated to the Ukrainian struggle against the Russian invasion or Partick Burgh colours. The Committee agreed to proceed with one in the National Colours of Ukraine, blue and yellow.
David Ogilvie Engineering Ltd of Kilmarnock can supply a plain steel bench for £900. One in the Ukrainian national colours at £1,300. The committee agreed to procure a bench in the Ukrainian national colours, to be positioned at the main gates.
We still actively support twinning with a Ukrainian park. We await further GCC advice.
A new pair of swans has arrived at the main pond.
Bird box cleaning by RMcK and LW is to take place on 12/10/2023.
The committee agreed to purchase a camera for a wildlife camera trap for approximately £50.
Action: RMcK to purchase a camera at the above noted costs.
9. Finance & Membership:
Our current membership is still 95.
Our current balance is £7,138. There is £570, in outstanding bills, to be deducted from the total leaving £6,568 in available funds.
Currently £2,700 of this is allocated to the fernery project; £1,000 to a tree survey; £500 of this is the McCrea donation. The committee previously agreed that an amount of £1,000 should be retained to enable the society to remain solvent and meet our ongoing commitments.
MH advised that with the cost of the Ukraine bench at £1,300 included in funds allocated the society would have only £68 pounds remaining, when the above is taken into account and that of the fernery comprised of Area Partnership grants and the Fossil Grove Trust grant, which could not be re-purposed.
JC advised that Area Partnership money could be re-purposed as long as they were spent on projects beneficial to the park.
The Committee agreed that as there were no immediate plans to plant ferns. The Area Partnership Fernery money could be used to purchase the Ukraine bench.
10. AOCB:
BS complimented Derek of Clyde Bat Groups for his very informative and interesting bat walk.
Action: BS to contact Derek and request that he conducts another walk for us next year.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is tbc but will be at 7:30 pm, 3/1, 895 Dumbarton Road, G11 6NA.
Minutes of our Committee Meeting at 7.30pm on 13th September 2023
1. Apologies: David Webster & Ben Shepherd
Present: Joyce Craig (JC), Robert McKay (RMcK), Elizabeth Brown (EB), Gail Herrigan (GH), Michael Herrigan (MH) & Linda Whiteside (LW).
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: proposed by RMcK and seconded by JC.
3. Matters Arising:
- DW to contact Kevin re the maintenance fee, of £50 p.a. is ongoing.
- RMcK to raise the neglect of the playpark at the next quarterly meeting with GCC: the action was carried at the quarterly meeting, ongoing
- Action: proof copy of the heritage has been provided. We are to check all happy and advise DW ASAP so he can proceed with his quote for 500 leaflets. The support of McCrea financial services is to be noted on the leaflet. RMcK will add. Action completed and leaflet printed.
- Action: BS & MH to attend one of Cindi’s healthy walks is ongoing.
- Action: RMcK to contact a GalGael Trust regarding the above. He has contacted them but received no response to date. RMcK to chase. RMcK has chased, no response, action closed.
We noted the success of the event. Numbers were hard to assess, as people came and went but were easily into three figures over the day and possibly in excess of 200.
FoVP supports another such event next year. We have also discussed the AUGB involvement with our Remembrance Sunday Event.
- Action: MH to advise BS of agreed date for bat walk of 04/10/2023. Action completed.
- Actions: RMcK to contact the recovery group at WCC & all to review amended wording of our Safeguarding Policy: completed
We may be assisted by the Warriors with fruit tree planting. The details are to be confirmed. Steve Nelson and Richard East met the Warriors re community engagement.
422 trees are to be planted on the perimeter of the park adjacent to Victoria Park Drive South. These have been sourced under the “I Dig Trees” initiative. These should provide a low edge to the park, separating it from the traffic on Victoria Park Drive South.
The improvements to the “Still Game” bench have been approved.
Next week there will be blue bell planting with the involvement of local schools.
The acquisition of a container for VPCT equipment is still under discussion.
Funding sources are being explored by GCC for the replacement of the toilet block.
The dirt track in the blaes pitches area is to go to tender this month. VPCT is to have sight of GCC’s plan.
The repair to the main gates has been costed at £5K.
Pallets have been obtained for bug hotels. VPCT is aware of an objection from one of the residents opposite in Victoria Park Drive North.
Only Shaw Anderson from GCC attended the last quarterly Participation Agreement meeting and he is due for retirement.
5. Fossil Grove & Volunteer Activities e.g., weeding, litter picking etc.:
The possibility of a volunteer day next Monday or Tuesday afternoon was raised.
The Fossil House is to be open this Sunday.
A fire to one of the bins is being investigated by the police. The affected bin is still in situ.
The formation of a single tired SCIO for the Fossil Grove Trust has been approved.
6. Events:
Doors Open Days is fully organised for the Heritage Walk and the Fossil House.
See above re Ukraine Family Fun Day.
Richard East gave a presentation about Heritage Trees at the National Park City event. A bid, which FoVP supports, is being put in for Glasgow to be awarded National Park City status.
Yevgen Gorash has agreed to speak at our next Remembrance Sunday Event that is to take place on Sunday 12/11/2023.
Action: all to source a trumpet and or bagpipe player for the event.
RMcK advised that he could put a post on our FaceBook.
Actions: MH to send wording to RMcK for post and GH to order the wreath.
7. Communications: an update to information on the web site is planned.
8. Tree, Wildlife, Wildflower and Maintenance Issues:
A memorial bench dedicated to Ukraine’s struggle in the present war had the approval of the committee. We will seek the AUGB’s advice re the appropriate design.
Action: MH to contact Yevgen Gorash and Colin McGeoch re the above.
Half of the beds for the mining bees have been weeded as part of a Duke of Edinburgh Award project.
GCC has again cut an area of wild flower planting in error.
LW has seeds from the Holy Isle for planting the bee beds.
Bench at the main gates discussed. This could be a use for the McCrea Financial Services funds.
Action: GH to price a bench for the main gates in the old Partick Burgh colours.
Wildlife trap camera discussed.
Action: RMcK to obtain a quote.
9. Finance & Membership:
Our current membership is 95.
10. AOCB:
Expressway improvements have been included in the Liveable Neighbourhoods proposal
We noted our thanks to the police for coming to the Ukrainian Family Fun Day on their day off.
11. Date and time of next meeting:
The date and place of our next meeting is 7:30 pm, 11/10/2023 at the Three Craws, Crow Road.